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Green Stamp and MTA NSW

Green Stamp is an environmental program that is run in each state and territory of Australia through Motor Trade Associations. Green Stamp aims to ensure that businesses in the automotive industry have access to information and tools to help achieve environmental compliance and beyond.

The Program assists small to medium business in the automotive trades to incorporate processes and practices that avoid, reduce, reuse, recycle and dispose of waste in an environmentally sensitive manner.

Green Stamp can provide you with information to assist you:

Comply with legislative requirements
Correctly store liquid to prevent groundwater or stormwater contamination
Operate correct pre-treatment equipment for wastewater management
Manage spills to prevent groundwater or stormwater contamination
Manage air quality

Go above and beyond to reduce your environmental impact and save money

Correctly dispose waste products to minimise the amount of waste sent to landfill
Conserve energy and water
Get in contact with suppliers of environmental products and services
Develop and implement Environmental Management Plans.

Communicate your environmental achievements with your customers
Apply for Green Stamp Environmental Accreditation
Nominate for the Green Stamp Environmental Award each year (MTA Members only
All aspects of the Green Stamp program (except Accreditation) are a free service of the MTA.

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The Australian Heavy Vehicle Repairers Association (AHVRA) represents the heavy vehicle accident repair industry at a national level.



Created by MTA NSW, the Employment Relations Information System (ERIS) is a web based interactive employment relations system.



Motor Trades Cares (MTC) provides access to free industry WHS and worker’s insurance information and topical publications, webinars, management system resources, including policies, procedures and supporting checklist and forms.



MTA NSW is an employers Association and registered training organisation, dedicated to representing business owners and business principals in the NSW automotive industry.


MTA Training

MTA Training delivers innovative and flexible, industry focused training and prides itself on producing quality outcomes.



The Service Station Association (SSA) is a division of MTA NSW representing businesses within the petroleum industry.


Get in touch with us today! Call us on 02 9016 9000